Monday, May 17, 2010

Service Boot Camp

I was checking out this blog I look at and there was a special post about a service project.  If you're a member of the LDS church ( you are no stranger to service projects.  This one hit home for me.  It's called 'Write it Out'. The purpose is to give journals to war widows to help them deal with their grief and loss. A war widow herself, began the program.
I am a big journaling fan but another reason is my father, brother and husband were in the service.  Anyway, you sew covers for the journals, (basic composition books), and mail them in.  The above link has the posting I saw and the simple tutorial.

This post is the original:

I've made 4, and will post pics later. If you can sew a straight stitch, you can make at least one of these.  It's not rocket science, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Nice...I love it! Thanks for jumping on board. BY the Way...I WISH I could say that I look just like that woman while working away in Service Boot Camp...That photo rocks! and so do you! Great job! and Thanks!
