Saturday, April 30, 2011

Homemade Berry Smoothie

Sometimes I get on kicks where I crave something and want it all the time.  That happened the last time I was at Costco.  It was a warm day, so I got a berry smoothie. That did it.  I googled for the recipe and found one I adapted to my taste.  But guess what? It can be made with all food storage ingredients!
Here is a link for making homemade yogurt out of fresh powdered milk. 

I used yogurt as a base, maybe 1/2 cup, two packets of Stevia sweetner and about a 1/4 cup of water. I mixed it well in a blender and starting adding frozen blueberries and blackberries that I had bought on sale last summer. I blended and added till I got the taste and thickness I liked.  That's it.  I've found I add more blueberries to mine. It's a taste thing.  Give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. oh...these are great. As a vegan I make protein drinks a day to keep my protein levels up. I especially love to make my strawberry/ pineapple/coconut is yummy.
