Sunday, December 5, 2010

Food Storage Program for $5 a Week

I ran across this on another blog. By the end of the year you will end up with this:

500 pounds of wheat
180 pounds of sugar
40 pounds of powdered milk
12 pounds of salt
10 pounds of honey
5 pounds of peanut butter
45 cans of tomato soup
15 cans of cream of mushroom soup
15 cans of cream of chicken soup
24 cans of tuna
21 boxes of macaroni and cheese
500 aspirin
1000 multi-vitamins
6 pounds of yeast
6 pounds of shortening
12 pounds of macaroni

Each week you will spend about $5 per week, some weeks more, some less. By checking weekly ads you can buy the items listed during sales.  Print out the PDF file and post it somewhere you will see it each week.  When the weekly ads come out spend a few minutes looking for the sale items and match them up with one of your weeks.  Or better yet, give this assignment to the kids and tell them it's a treasure hunt!

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